PREAMBLE: We the entire members of the Sacred Evangelistic Ministry (SACEM) of the Sacred Cherubim and Seraphim Church, Lagos District Church Council Agege, for the purpose of regulating the structures, processes, and activities of this Ministry towards the realisation of set goals, hereby enact and give to ourselves the following Bye-laws:
- NAME: The Association shall be known, called and addressed as the Sacred Evangelistic Ministry (SACEM) of the Sacred Cherubim and Seraphim Church, Lagos District Church Council (LDCC) Agege.
- SECRETARIAT: The secretariat of the Association shall be the Lagos District Church Council Agege Headquarters at 68, Ipaja Road, Oke-Koto Bus-Stop, Agege, Lagos State.
- MOTTO: The motto of the Association shall be “Revive Thy work Oh Lord” as contained in Habakkuk 3:2 in the Holy Bible.
- To promote the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, as directed and guided by the Holy Bible within and outside the Lagos District Church Council.
- To promote the learning and teaching of the Holy Bible within and outside the Lagos District Church Council.
- To promote the act of evangelism, i.e. Soul winning, by organizing revivals, crusades, seminars, symposia and other relevant and related programs.
- To foster unity and understanding among unit Churches, Parishes and individual members of Lagos District Church Council Agege, Lagos State.
- To help in strengthening and propagating Christianity and its ideals in entirety.
- To contribute by all possible Biblical means to the growth and development of Lagos District Church Council Agege, its component unit Churches and Parishes and the Sacred Cherubim and Seraphim Church in general.
- To assist and work in conjunction with the Elders of the Lagos District Church Council Agege towards building one strong and indivisible family of Jesus Christ.
Section 1
- Membership shall be opened to all members of the Church upon application.
- Application form shall be sold to the person applying for membership. A completed Application form shall be submitted to the EXCO.
- Admission into the Ministry is not automatic.
- The executive council shall screen the applicant.
- A new member shall take the oath of allegiance before the Christ Chief Messenger or his accredited representative.
- A new member shall be on probation for at least six (6) months before confirmation.
- Only confirmed members shall wear the Ministry’s apron and be assigned spiritual duties such as word and prayer ministration.
- A person can lose his membership through removal or withdrawal.
SECTION 1: The following organs shall administer the Ministry –
- The LDCC General Assembly.
- The LDCC Chairman.
- Board of Very Important Personalities (BVIPS).
- Christ Life Partners.
- Body of Christ Messengers (BOCHIM).
- Central Working Committee (CENWOC).
- Body of Christ Evangelists (BOCEM).
- Body of Christ Evangelists and Messengers (BOCEM).
Sub-Section 1: The LDCC General Assembly
The body shall
- Approve major policy of the Ministry.
(ii) Receive reports on the activities of the Ministry such as revival, crusade etc.
(iii) Mobilize her members in each unit for the Ministry’s programme.
(iv) Assist the Ministry in achieving its aims and objectives.
Sub-Section 2: The LDCC Chairman
The LDCC Chairman shall:
(i) Be the Grand Patron of the Ministry.
(ii) Advise the Ministry on its activities.
(iii) Assist the Ministry in the realization of its aims and objectives.
Sub-Section 3: Board of Very Important Personalities (BVIPS)
The Ministry shall have a Board of VIPS made up of Patrons, Patroness and Pillars of evangelism etc. They shall:
(i) Advise the Ministry from time to time.
(ii) Serve as a link between the Ministry and those corporate bodies and individuals that identify with the Ministry’s goals.
(iii) Assist the Ministry financially and morally.
Sub-Section 4: Christ Life Partners
The Christ Life Partners shall:
(i) Be composed of Church members who contribute money to the tune of winning a medal from the Ministry.
(ii) Link the Ministry to individuals and corporate bodies that can finance the Ministry.
Sub Section 5: Central Working Committee (CENWOC)
The body shall:
(i) Be open to members selected by the EXCO.
(ii) Be presided over by the Christ Chief Messenger (CCM).
(iii) Formulate the major policy of the Ministry.
(iv) Admit new members on the recommendation of the EXCO.
(v) Dismiss members after a thorough investigation.
(vi) Perform other duties that may be assigned to it from time to time.
Sub Section 6: Body of Christ Evangelists (BOCEV)
The body of Christ Evangelists shall:
(i) Be the General Assembly of the Ministry.
(ii) Elect new officers on the expiration of the tenure of the incumbents.
(iii) Approve removal of erring executive members on the recommendations of the executive council.
(iv) Recommend removal of an executive member to the executive council.
(v) Remove the CCM if found wanting.
(vi) Approve the budget and major policy of the Ministry.
Section 1: The Executive Council shall comprise the following officers:
(a) Christ Chief Messenger (CCM)
(b) General Secretary
(c) Assistant General Secretary
(d) Treasurer
(e) Financial Secretary
(f) Welfare/Visitation Officer
(g) Public Relations Officer (PRO)
(h) Director of Organizations (DO)
(i) Evangelism Coordinator
(j) Prayer Coordinator
(k) Principal Administrative Secretary (PAS)
(l) Head of Departments
(m) Departments Secretaries
Section 2: Power and Responsibilities
The Executive Council shall:
(i) Formulate the policy of the Ministry.
(ii) See to the day to day administration of the Ministry.
(iii) Make budget for the Ministry.
(iv) Receive and approve reports from any committee setup by the Ministry.
(v) Admit new members into the Ministry.
(vi) Serve as the judicial organ of the Ministry.
(vii) Suspend or dismiss any member as a result of misbehaviour.
(viii) Implement the bye-law of the Ministry.
(ix) Individually and/or collectively discipline erring members.
(x) Create new offices if the need arises.
Section 3: Eligibility
A person shall be eligible to be elected into office if he:
(i) Has been a member of the Ministry for at least three years.
(ii) Is elected by at least majority members of BOCEM.
(iii) Meets the minimum educational qualification for such office as spelt by the electoral body.
Section 4: Tenure of Office
(a) The tenure of office of executive council members, with the exception of the position of CCM, shall be 3 years with a possibility of re-election.
(b) The CCM can be removed by two thirds majority of the General Assembly if found wanting at any time.
(c) Election shall hold every 3 years at the expiration of the tenure of office.
(d) The election shall be conducted by an electoral committee put in place one month before the date of election.
(e) Election shall be by simple majority after due nomination by two legitimate members of the Ministry.
Section 5: Removal from Office
The position of an executive member shall be declared vacant in case of:
(i) Death
(ii) Inability to carry out his duties
(iii) Incompetence
(iv) Misbehaviour or violation of the bye-law
(v) Expiration of tenure of office
Section 1: The Christ Chief Messenger
The Christ Chief Messenger shall:
(i) Be the supreme head of the Ministry giving it spiritual and administrative leadership and direction.
(ii) Preside over the general affairs and meetings of the Ministry.
(iii) Be a signatory to the Ministry’s bank account.
(v) Make policy and budget proposal to the executive council.
(vi) Approve any expenditure that is above five thousand (5,000) naira.
Section 2: The General Secretary
The General Secretary shall:
- (i) Be the head of the secretariat.
- (ii) Keep all important documents of the association.
- (iii) Take and read the minutes of the Ministry.
- (iv) Ensure that the minutes are available at all meetings.
- (v) Receive and write letters on behalf of the Ministry.
- (vi) Be a signatory to the Ministry’s account.
- Perform other duties that may be assigned to him by the CCM or the Executive Council.
Section3: The Financial Secretary
The Financial Secretary shall:
- (i) Keep all record of all financial dealings, income and expenditure of the Ministry.
- (ii) Collect all dues and levies on behalf of the Ministry and issue receipt for it.
- (iii) In conjunction with the Treasurer present annual/quarterly financial reports.
- (iv) Also in conjunction with Treasurer present the financial reports of all revivals, crusades and other related activities not later than seven (7) days after the conclusion of such activity.
- (v) Remit monies to the Treasurer within 24 hours.
Section 4: The Treasurer
The Treasurer shall:
- (i) Keep all income of the Ministry.
- (ii) Bank the money within 24 hours of collection.
- (iii) Show the bank document to the CCM/EXCO whenever any money is saved or withdrawn.
- (iv) Keep the bank documents.
- (v) Be a signatory to the Ministry’s bank account.
- (vi) Keep an imprest of not more than five thousand (5,000) naira.
- (vii) In conjunction with the Financial Secretary present quarterly/annual financial reports.
Section 5: The Assistant General Secretary
The Assistant General Secretary shall:
- (i) Keep the attendance of members at meetings.
- (ii) Act as Secretary in the absence of the General Secretary.
- (iii) Perform such duties as may be delegated to him by the CCM or the General Secretary.
Section 6: The Welfare/Visitation Officer
The Welfare/Visitation Officer shall:
- (i) Ensure the formulation and implementation of policies for the well being of members of the Ministry.
- (ii) Head the Visitation Committee of the Ministry with the mandate to from time to time seek members of the Ministry who are absent from meetings and activities of the Ministry or who may for one reason or the other need such visitation.
- (iii) Ensure that the Ministry is well represented at approved social functions.
Section 7: The Director of Organization
The Director of Organization shall:
- (i) Ensure Christian comportment of members at any public outing.
- (ii) Report erring members to the CCM.
- (iii) Make arrangement for transportation when the need arises.
- (iv) Supervise entertainment at any function.
- (v) See to the sitting arrangement at any function.
Section 8: The Principal Administrative Secretary
The Principal Administrative Secretary (PAS) shall:
- (i) Carry out special duties as assigned by the CCM in council.
- (ii) Keep special data (statistics) on the Ministry.
- (iii) Ensure that all decisions in respect of writing and dispatch of letters are promptly executed.
Section 9: Evangelism Coordinator
The Evangelism Coordinator shall:
(i) Ensure the formulation and implementation of polices related to the Evangelism drive of the Ministry.
Section 10: Prayer Coordinator
The Prayer Coordinator shall:
(i) Ensure the formulation and implementation of policies related to the prayer needs and requirements of the Ministry.
- Oversee the regular conduct of special prayer sessions for all SACEM Christ Life Partners while ensuring that their prayer requests are attended to from time to time.
- Keep the records of visions and prophecy.
Section 11: Departments (Standing Committees)
The following departments shall exist in the Ministry:
- (i) The Ways and Means committee.
- (ii) The Prayer Committee.
- (iii) The Welfare/Visitation Committee.
Section12: The Ways and Means Committee
The Ways and Means committee shall:
- (i) Organize fund raising for the Ministry.
- (ii) Keep the register of Christ Life Partners.
- (iii) Communicate from time to time with Christ Life Partners.
- (iv) Recommend policy to enhance the finance of the Ministry.
- (v) Remit any fund raised by it to the Financial Secretary.
- (vi) Keep records of all monies collected by it.
Section 13: Visitation/Welfare Committee
The Visitation/Welfare committee shall:
- (i) Be composed of persons chosen across the District and headed by the Welfare Officer of the Ministry.
- (ii) Be responsible for the formulation and implementation of policies aimed at uplifting the well-being of members of the Ministry.
- (iii) Shall ensure that the ministry is well represented at social functions for which she is invited.
- (iv) Seek members who are absent from meetings or Ministry activities.
Section 14: Audit Committee
The Audit committee shall:
- (i) Compose of at least three members.
- (ii) Ensure the independent auditing of all accounts of the Ministry from time to time.
- (iii) Submit independent reports of such auditing exercises to the General Assembly of the Ministry.
Section 15: Adhoc Committee(s)
The Executive committee shall have the power to set up adhoc committee(s) for the purpose of carrying out set out tasks e.g. planning towards and organizing the annual PENIEL crusade, Zonal revivals and family day get-together etc.
Section 16: The Prayer (Intercession) Committee
The Prayer (Intercession) committee shall:
- (i) Organize special prayer meetings for the Ministry and its members from time to time.
- (ii) Ensure prayer rain during the Ministry’s programmes.
- (iii) Keep records of visions and prophecies during the Ministry’s programmes.
- (i) The CCM in council shall inaugurate the Ministry from the Zonal to the unit Church level.
- (ii) Each of the bodies mentioned in (i) above and their officers shall be subordinated to SACEM at the District level.
(i) The executive meeting shall hold at least once in a month.
(ii) The quorum for the meeting shall be half of the members.
(iii) Emergency meeting shall be called when necessary.
(iv) A member that is absent from meetings shall be liable to punishment.
- General Meeting
(i) The BOCEM shall meet every week.
(ii) Emergency meeting shall be called if the need arises.
(iii) A member that is absent from meetings shall be liable to punishment.
Each member of the Ministry shall:
(i) Obey the Ten Commandments.
(ii) Obey the Two Commandments of Jesus Christ.
(iii) Respect the constituted authority of SACEM and his/her unit Church.
(iv) Take care of his/her members of family.
(v) Not take alcoholic drink.
(vi) Not be a fighter.
(vii) Be a complete Christian within and outside the Church.
An erring member can be given any of the following sanctions:
- (i) Suspension from spiritual duties.
- (ii) Suspension from office.
- (iii) Suspension from the Ministry.
- (iv) Fines.
- (v) Removal from office.
- (vi) Dismissal from the Ministry.
Section 1: Source of Income
- (i) Donation from members and non-members.
- (ii) Collection from programmes such as revivals.
- (iii) Profit-oriented projects such as publication.
- (iv) Contribution from unit Churches and other organizations.
Section 2: Banking
- (i) The Ministry shall keep both current and savings account in designated banks.
- (ii) Monies accrued to the Ministry must be banked within 48 hours.
- (iii) There shall be three signatories to the account, namely the Christ Chief Messenger, the General Secretary and the Treasurer.
- (iv) Any two of the signatories can effect withdrawal.
- (i) The law supersedes any other rules and regulations made by any similar bodies.
- (ii) The law shall be no respecter of persons.
- (iii) Resolution of the Ministry’s General Assembly that is in accordance with this law shall be binding on members.
- (iv) The law can be amended by at least two-third members of the Body of Christ Evangelists and Messengers.
This law shall be cited as the SACEM Administrative Bye-Law and shall come into effect from the 10th day of August, 2007.
Chief Christ Messenger (CCM)
I, ……………………………………………………………………………………………… solemnly promise to abide by the Bye-Law of the Sacred Evangelistic Ministry, respect constituted authority, be a worthy Ambassador of Christ Jesus in thought, in words and in action, and shall desist from all acts that can bring reproach to the name of Jesus Christ. So help me God, Amen.
I, ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. of the Sacred Evangelistic Ministry solemnly promise to carry out my responsibilities as …………………………………………… of the Ministry with all my heart and energy to the glory of God and His Son, Jesus Christ. I shall not run this office for my personal gain and shall abide by the Bye-Law of the Ministry. So help me God, Amen.